Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Stand alone post

I completely agree with what you are saying about us turning 18 and not just magically turning into adults and knowing how to get registered to vote. If my parents would have never helped me get registered I probably would have not even known or would have been too lazy to figure out how to get registered and vote. We should definitely encourage more people to vote and help younger first-time voters learn the process of what you have to do in order to be able to vote. Most people are 18 when they graduate from their senior year from high school and I believe that not one class ever told me to go out and vote or how to even register for it. If we would show younger generations this in school then maybe we would have a better voter outcome. Also, I believe that what you mentioned about people being pre-registered to vote with a valid I.D. is a great idea. In fact, that would help a lot with the outcome of people going out and voting. I do agree with you that maybe for some reason the system does not work like this because of security purposes. If the system worked like this maybe it would not be so up to date or even secure. I do completely agree with your idea and believe that it would achieve what we are looking for and that is more people going out and voting.

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